
Case StudiesCase Study: Douglas Road Elementary School

The Gandee brothers inspired an inclusive playground for their school. "Our goal is to challenge the world ... to take the necessary steps towards inclusion."

Projects of DistinctionAri's Wish Come True

Make-A-Wish Georgia partnered with community volunteers, GameTime, and PlayCore to make a wish come true for a special girl.

BlogFitness is trending to be more inclusive of age and ability

Industry trends are proving a shift in fitness goals.

ResearchStudy shows merging tech and parks can increase children's desire to visit parks

"Nearly 70 percent of Americans agree that merging technology and nature will increase children’s desire to go to parks."

Community Giving Initiatives Everlast Climbing partners with the Kids in Need Foundation

Everlast Climbing held its Day of Caring on July 18, 2018 at the Twin Cities Kids in Need Foundation Resource Center.

BlogOutdoor Adult Fitness Parks Marketing

​To ensure that your Outdoor Adult Fitness Park is used regularly, you need ensure that the program is properly scheduled and marketed.

Case StudiesCase Study: Building the World's Largest Pop-Up Bike Network

Macon Connects organized a 3-day Ideas Festival consisting of events which attracted people to contributed ideas to improve connectivity and mobility.

Projects of DistinctionParks Make Life Better Tour celebrates a commitment to enhancing play and recreation

The Parks Make Life Better Tour visited six parks in five cities in five days all over California and are recognized as National Demonstration Sites.