Play can now be seen in perspectives that increase its overall importance in brain function and development
​Children learn about the environment and themselves by picking up information through active interaction with their surroundings.
With a little prompting, we can the trigger the spontaneous play we enjoyed in childhood. Embedded in our nature is this capacity to lighten up our adult lives.
You can experience a level of calorie burning during water exercises that will rival and perhaps exceed anything you could ever attain on land.
Nature supports the development of all children, regardless of their level of ability, and helps them discover themselves, physically, socially, and emotionally
In this blog post, we will focus on one pattern of play behavior, ROUGH AND TUMBLE PLAY and the consequences of a play deprived life.
Unstructured play may be an exceptional way to increase physical activity levels in children, which is one important strategy in the resolution of obesity.
Playful pathways provide a trajectory through three-dimensional space, enjoyable by all family members.